Bee Removal

Bee Removal

Flat rate bee removal and control. Guaranteed service for one flat fee.

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Swarm Removal

Swarm Removal

Bee swarms that land on trees will normally move on within 72 hours, depending on the weather.

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Honeycomb Removal

Honeycomb removal and repair service. From start to finish we will take care of it all.

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Wasp Extermination

We offer extermination services for all species of wasps, hornets, and other stinging insects.

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Bee Removal for Ahwatukee, Arizona

Bee Removal has become a huge issue in Ahwatukee Arizona. Bordered on the north by South Mountain and Baseline Road, on the east by Interstate 10 and the cities of Chandler. Being backed up to the mountain brings a lot of feral bees down from the mountain to forage and get water. Also to look for a new place to call home and build some honeycomb. 

Bees around the swimming pool or water feature is our biggest problem in Ahwatukee. The bees love the pool water just as much as we do maybe a bit more. 

We also get a lot of Africanized bees in Ahwatukee as well. If you have bees, please give us a call and we will take care of your bee situation as quickly and safely as possible.

Bee Removal Apache Junction, AZ.

Bee Removal Apache Junction

Flat-rate Bee Removal and Control Service in Apache Junction, Arizona 

Guaranteed bee removal and control service. Fully licensed and insured and locally owned and operated. We also offer honeycomb removal and repair services and full home seals for Apache Junction.

Give Us A Call Today To Get The Answers You Need

Have any questions about bees around your home in Apache Junction? Call us and we can try and help you get the answers you need to help solve your bee problem.

Bee removal in Apache Junction and around the Superstition Mountains is becoming the norm. The City of Apache Junction is a prime spot for Bee activity. During the spring, with all the trees and wildflowers blooming, bee swarms in trees and on homes are a common occurrence in Apache Junction. Unfortunately finding a new home is the reason the bees are swarming and that could mean in or around your property. Nestled in the hills under the Superstition Mountains inside Pinal County in the far East Valley.

beehive in apache junction

Nestled in the hills under the Superstition Mountains inside Pinal County in the far East Valley. Apache Junction and the Gold Canyon area hold some of the valley's most beautiful homes with amazing views of not only the Superstition Mountains but of Phoenix as well. Bees love all the swimming pools, water features, ponds, golf courses, gardens, and homes. Keeping them from moving in is no easy task and should be handled by a professional.

Africanized bees are in and around Apache Junction and throughout Maricopa and Pinal Counties. They can be very dangerous and every year we hear of someone being attacked by bees trying to treat them without consulting a professional. Please do not try to treat bees on your property yourself. Not only can you be injured but you can also unknowingly get someone else or their pets hurt. Stay clear of any feral bees and leave the migrating swarms in trees alone.

Honeybee swarms that land on trees and make a big ball of bees are often mistaken for active hives. These migrating bee swarms will normally move on within 72 hours and are not dangerous. The bees are in a very docile state when they are migrating and as long as they are left alone the will fly. Disturbing the bees or spraying them with water will only make the problem worse by splitting up the swarm and causing them to become confused and form several different swarms. This happens all too often and can be avoided by letting the bees take their natural course and migrate.

bee swarm in a tree Apache Junction

Bee Removal in Carefree, Arizona

Bee Removal from swimming pools is one of the biggest problems we run into in Carefree. Bees have taken a fancy to the desert landscape and beautiful hills just like us. When you throw in swimming pools and flowerbed it becomes a bee paradise. The City of Carefree both quiet and dangerous with all the desert wildlife that loves the area.

The City of Carefree both quiet and dangerous with all the desert wildlife that loves the area. Living out here you get used to dealing with most of the wildlife encountered. Bees are a different battle altogether and can become a nightmare if given the chance. 

Bee Removal in Cave Creek, Arizona

Bee Removal in the city of Cave Creek can be tricky. With the hills and rocky terrain and plenty of desert flowers and swimming pools, the bees love to make Cave Creek their home. Most of the time this means it is in somebody's home or on their property.

We can help with all of your bee issues in Cave Creek and we can get it done fast and safe. Please give a call and we would be happy to answer any of the questions you may have about our bee removal services.

Bee Removal in Paradise Valley, Arizona

Bee Removal in Paradise Valley can be a challenge. Paradise Valley is home to some of the most breathtaking homes in Arizona. A lot of the houses are custom built homes which mean a lot of custom built places for bees to move into and start making some honey. Our flat rate bee removal pricing applies to everyone regardless of where they live or how elaborate the home is.

Feel free to give us a call about your bee problem and get pointed in the right direction and save some bees and some money at the same time.

Bee Removal Chandler Arizona

Bee Removal Chandler Arizona

$120 Flat Rate Bee Removal and Control Service Company

Chandler Bee Removal
Flat Rate Pricing With Guaranteed Service

Give Us A Call Today!

We provide hassle-free bee removal services as well as beehive and honeycomb removals and repair services for Chandler, AZ. We are well experienced and take pride in continuing to offer responsible, safe, and effective flat rate bee removal services all throughout Chandler and its neighboring cities. We are locally owned and owner operated that means no middle man and no inexperienced technicians creating a dangerous situation and possibly getting someone hurt. We handle everything from start to finish so you don't have to worry about any unexpected expenses or repairs. Having your bee problem handled by a professional is a very important step in keeping you and your neighbors safe from getting stung. Chandler is home to a large amount of the valley's Africanized Bee population. Our service calls have doubled over the past few years in Chandler and will continue to grow as more homes and shopping centers are built giving feral bees no choice but to move into populated areas. The more Chandler grows the more the chances for bee encounters increase and also bee attacks will become more prevalent. 

Fully Licensed and Insured by The State of Arizona Dept. Of Agriculture

Phoenix Bee Removal LLC. is a bee removal service company providing bee removal services for Chandler and surrounding cities like Mesa, Gilbert, Tempe, San Tan Valley, and Queen Creek. We also offer honeycomb removal and repair services for one flat fee as well. Professional bee removal and control service for one flat rate. Servicing Chandler, Arizona for over a decade and counting.

Our flat rate bee removal service is offered Monday thru Friday only during regular business hours. Weekends, Holidays, After-hours, and Emergency Service prices will vary. All of our services come with a service guarantee unless otherwise specified.

We offer emergency bee removal service for Chandler 24/7. We will take care of any problem you have day or night if the situation arises. Keeping you and your family safe is of utmost importance and is always our top priority. Bees can become very dangerous if the situation is not handled properly and in a timely manner.

Honeycomb collapsed inside of a wall Chandler, AZ

Call To Set Up An Appointment Today

Trying to treat bees with over the counter pesticides and without any experience is a very bad idea and can lead to unintentional injuries and possibly deaths. Always call a professional when dealing with honey bees.

Services we offer in Chandler, Arizona

  • Property Survey and Inspection
  • Beehive Removal
  • Bee Swarm Removal
  • Honeycomb Removal
  • Structural Repairs
  • Homes Sealing and Bee Prevention
  • Swarm Trapping
  • Live Bee Relocation
  • Wasp Removal and Control
  • Africanized Bee Control
  • Carpenter Bee Control
  • Pheromone Masking
  • Beehive Extermination
  • Emergency Bee Removal Services

Africanized bees look exactly the same as the European honey bee. The only major difference being the aggression the bees have when defending their beehive. Africanized bees or "killer bees” as many like to call them are prevalent throughout Chandler AZ and the number of bee attacks is also rising due to people trying to treat bees without seeking professional help. Always call a licensed and insured bee removal company when dealing with honeybees. Using someone who is inexperienced can lead to unintentional injuries and even fatalities.

Honeybee swarms that land on trees and make a big ball of bees are often mistaken for active hives. These migrating bee swarms will normally move on within 72 hours and are not dangerous. The bees are in a very docile state when they are migrating and as long as they are left alone the will fly. Disturbing the bees or spraying them with water will only make the problem worse by splitting up the swarm and causing them to become confused and form several different swarms. This happens all too often and can be avoided by letting the bees take their natural course and migrate.

We also provide guaranteed honeycomb removal and repair services for Chandler Arizona. Give us a call today and get a free quote for honeycomb removal from your home or business.

Give us a call today to schedule an appointment or to get the information you need to keep you and your family safe.

Bee swarm entering a hole in the wall Chandler, AZ

Bee Removal in the City of Chandler, Arizona. There is a lot of bee activity all over Chandler with the most being concentrated in 85225 and 85226. Bees have been a problem for Chandler homeowners for years and will be around for years more building honeycombs in the attics and under sheds. 

We have handled hundreds of bee removals in Chandler over the years. Some of the biggest honeycomb removals we have done were in Chandler back when there were a lot of foreclosed homes all over the valley. 100lbs. plus beehives were being removed regularly all over the valley.

Bees can be dangerous if the problem is not approached properly. Africanized bees can be extremely dangerous and even result in death if treated by someone inexperienced. Please call a professional to talk about your bee problem. Never try to treat the bees yourself always consult a professional.

$120 Flat Rate Bee Removal is Offred Mon-Fri during normal business hours.
Weekends, Holidays, Emergency, and After-Hours Rates Will Vary.
A Trip Charge May Apply For Areas Outside of the City.

Bee Removal in Queen Creek, Arizona

Queen Creek, Arizona is a very large rural city with an abundance of bee problems. Queen Creek accounts for a large number of our bee removals with numbers the growing every year. We are very familiar with the Queen Creek area as well as neighboring San Tan Valley and Johnson Ranch areas.

We have been handling bee problems in Queen Creek for years. The open farmland and canals make a perfect environment for honeybees to forage. Unfortunately, they have a tendency to move into the communities and businesses which can quickly get out of hand and can result in injuries.

So if you live in Queen Creek and have a bee problem please give us a call so we can safely get it handled.

Bee Removal in Fountain Hills, Arizona 

Bee Removal in the city of Fountain Hills Arizona. With all the luxurious and eccentric houses in fountain hills, it makes it a perfect place for honey bees to call home. With the fountain and all the swimming pools, the bees have plenty of options to call home.  An abundance of flowers and trees also keep the bees busy and happy making honey.

We come across more Africanized bees in Fountain Hills more than other cities and this can become dangerous. If you have bees on or around your home please give us a call so we can come up with a solution and get your bee problem resolved as quickly as possible.

Bee Removal in Rio Verde, Arizona

Rio Verde has a very high population of Africanized bees over half of our call's to Rio Verde and far north Scottsdale are Africanized and tend to be well established by the time homeowners discover them. Most of the homes in Rio Verde are right in the middle of untamed desert leaving them open for all sorts of rodent, reptile and insect infestations and problems.

The homes in Rio Verde may also be a little difficult to find at times but we have been servicing this area for years and know most the roads well. We average a lot of bee removals in Rio Verde every year with bee problems and increasing every year.

Bee Removal Gilbert AZ

Bee Removal Gilbert AZ

Flat Rate Bee Removal and Control

Guaranteed bee removal service for one flat fee for Gilbert, Arizona. Hassle-free bee control, swarm removal, and relocation services for Gilbert and surrounding cities like Mesa, Chandler, Tempe, Queen Creek, and San Tan Valley. We Also offer Honeycomb removal and repair services to make sure your property is not damaged by leaking honey and to make sure the bee problem you had/have does not return and become an ongoing issue.

Our flat rate bee removal service for Gilbert is offered Monday thru Friday. Weekend, Holiday, Emergency, and After-hour services prices will vary.

Gilbert has a large population of Africanized bees that move thru every Spring and Summer.

Bee swarms that land on tree limbs when migrating will normally take off within 72 hours. Migrating swarms are normally docile as long as they are left alone. Having a migrating feral bee swarm removed can and will cause unnecessary stress. Letting nature take its course is the best thing you can do to help preserve our bee population in central Arizona.

Bee Swarm in a Tree in Gilbert, AZ.

Keeping you, your family, and your property safe is our main goal. Treating or removing bees Africanized or not, can become very dangerous very fast and trying to treat bees with store bought cans of insecticides can get somebody hurt. Always call a professional when dealing with Honeybees.

Places bees like to start a new beehive

Bee Removal in San Tan Valley

San Tan Valley a new name but not new to bee problems. All the now housing communities in San Tan Valley are great places for bees to get water with all the ponds, pools and fountains. There is also no shortage of flowers, gardens, and trees. This gives the bees plenty of reason to stick around. If you are new to Arizona or just new to the San Tan Valley you probably never thought bees would be a problem most people expect scorpions or snakes but the truth is there are just as many bee issues as there are scorpions.

If you live in San Tan Valley and have any questions about bees around your home feel free to give us a call and we will be glad to talk with you about your bee problem. Or if you have already had the bees taken care of and are looking to have the honeycomb removed please give us a call and schedule your appointment today.

Bee Removal Gold Canyon AZ

Bee and Wasp Removal for Gold Canyon, AZ.

Flat Rate Pricing - Guaranteed Service

Locally Owned and Operated Bee Removal Service in Gold Canyon, AZ.

Safe, effective, guaranteed bee and honeycomb removal services. Bee Removal in Gold Canyon has increased just as the population and number of homes have increased over the last ten years. Gold Canyon is a beautiful city tucked away in front of the Superstition Mountains and just far enough away from the everyday hustle and bustle of Phoenix to make the night sky and stars pop. However, with such beauty, we must also share it with the wildlife and that includes our flying insects and of course that includes beneficial insects such as honey bees. Bees love the desert as much as we do and also love swimming pools gardens and flower beds as well. This makes a perfect combination for the bees to settle down and make a home.

Our flat rate bee removal service for Gilbert is offered Monday through Friday. Weekend, Holiday, Emergency, and After-hour services prices will vary.

Call Today

Bee swarms that land on tree limbs when migrating will normally take off within 72 hours. Migrating swarms are docile as long as they are left alone. Having a migrating feral bee swarm removed can and will cause unnecessary stress. Letting nature take its course is the best thing you can do to help preserve our bee population in central Arizona and also save yourself some money.

Bee Swarm in a tree Gold Canyon, AZ

Removing bees can be extremely dangerous

Treating or trying to remove an active bee colony can be extremely dangerous. Especially an Africanized honey bee colony or killer bees as they have become known. Everyone within 100 yards of the active bee colony is in danger of being stung and becoming a target for the defending hive. We cannot express how serious this is and how quickly it can get out of hand for someone who is not experienced in the handling of Africanized Honey Bees.  We have a lot of seniors in the Gold Canyon community and safety should be of the utmost importance when it comes to bee removal.  

  • Free Quotes
  • Honey Bee Consultations
  • Arizona State Certified
  • Licensed and Insured
  • Locally Owned Owner Operated
  • Service Guarantee
  • 24/7 Emergency Response
  • Honest, Dependable, Friendly Service
  • Low-Cost Bee Removal
  • Maricopa and Pinal County Bee Removal

Beehive in a bbq pit in Gold Canyon, AZ

Honey Bees are very creative when it comes to choosing a home 

Walls, parapets, attic space, sheds and more, all make great places for bees to start a new hive and start producing honey. Once the bees get started in a wall or attic space it does not take long for things to get out of control. Bees begin setting up the honeycomb and have the Queen bee start laying eggs as quickly as possible. Honeycomb will be established to the size of a couple frozen waffles after about 48 hours. The bees will immediately begin stocking up pollen, nectar, and water. The queen will begin laying eggs and the bees will fall into a steady workflow. Gold Canyon residents, as well as the surrounding Superstition wilderness, provides the bees with everything they need to survive. 

After the Bees have been established for a while they will eventually become defensive of their hive and will let anyone who gets too close know it. This is where the danger begins as well. If they are Africanized Bees they could easily kill a pet or even a person. As soon as bees are noticed on a property you should call and set up an appointment to have the bees safely taking care of. If the bees have been there for a few days then the honeycomb will need to be cut out and the area sanitized and sealed off properly to prevent another infestation of bees.  

We have been safely removing bees in Gold Canyon AZ for over a decade and will continue for years to come.   

Most of the hives we encounter in Gold Canyon are very aggressive and can be dangerous. This is usually the case with bees out in rural areas of central Arizona. Please give us a call and get some advice on your bee problem and we will be glad to answer any questions you may have.

Call Today

Some of the Communities We Provide Bee Removal Services For

  • Montesa - Mountainbrook Village
  • Peralta Trails - Entrada Del Oro
  • Arizonian RV Resort - Gold Canyon East
  • Toscano Villas - Gold Canyon Estates
  • Fairway Views - Vista Point
  • Sierra Vista - Tesoro
  • Quail Canyon - Los Colinas I, II & III
  • LA Mirada I & II - Desert Trails II
  • The Estates - Arroyo Vista I, II & III
  • Superstition Foothills - Superstition Shadows
  • Superstition Mountain - The Gateway
  • Golden Springs - Boulder Pass
  • Gold Canyon RV & Golf Resort
  • Hermosa Hills - Mountain Whisper
  • Sunrise At Gold Canyon Ranch
  • Vista Del Corazon
Gold Canyon Bee Removal
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Bee Removal in Scottsdale, Arizona

Bee removal in Scottsdale is an everyday occurrence. Scottsdale Arizona is one of the nation's most popular upscale cities. Bees take notice to this with all the golf courses and beautiful gardens all through Scottsdale. We offer the residents of Scottsdale the same affordable flat rate bee control that we offer the rest of the valley.

We work with a lot of REO and property management companies in Scottsdale and our numbers are increasing with referral's and agents discovering that there is a real bee removal company that can handle their bee problem for a fraction of the price they are used to paying. Once you have used us you will never use another company again that is our guarantee.

Bee Removal for Maricopa, Arizona

We get a lot of bee removals in Maricopa every year and no two are ever the same. We have encountered some very aggressive hives in Maricopa possibly Africanized so we always expect the worst when going to such a rural city.

The once-tiny town of Maricopa grew from just 1,040 residents in 2000 to a whopping 43,000 in 2010. That's over 4000 percent which makes it the fastest growing city in Arizona. It also gives the bee population in Maricopa a lot of food and water enabling them to multiply fast.

$100 Flat Rate Guaranteed Bee Removal and Control

Bee Removal Service Tempe Arizona

Call Today for Bee Removal Service in Tempe, Arizona

We get a lot of calls for bee removal in Tempe all throughout the Spring and Summer months to remove bees from properties and businesses. The city of Tempe is the home of the Arizona State University Sun Devils but it is also home to millions of honey bees. We've been servicing the city of Tempe for years and will continue to remove bees in Tempe for years to come.

There are plenty of reasons for bees to call Tempe home from Tempe Town Lake to all of the gardens and flowers around the city. If you have a bee problem and live in Tempe give us a call and we will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

Servicing Tempe Arizona for over a decade. Providing safe and effective bee and honeycomb removal and repair services.

Honeycomb being removed from inside of a roof in Tempe

Have you recently had a beehive move into your home in Tempe? Or have you noticed bees have started getting inside of your home? We can help, we provide a low-cost flat-rate bee removal service that is guaranteed. We will solve your bee problem in the safest and responsible way possible. Tempe Arizona is a large city with tons of places bees like to create beehives in. We are here to help, give us a call today to schedule an appointment or to just get the information you need to keep you and your family safe from invading bees.

All of the services we offer come with a service guarantee you can count on. We will make sure your bee problem is taking care of right the first time or we will return for free, that is our bee free guarantee.

Our flat rate bee removal service for Tempe is offered Monday thru Friday. Weekend, Holiday, Emergency, and After-hour services prices will vary.

According to the Arizona Department of Agriculture, 90% of feral beehives are now Africanized or "killer bees" as they've become to be known. Tempe is no exception to this. With over 50 bee attacks happening in Tempe each year, a number that continues to rise year after year. Our job is to make sure you and your family and neighbors stay safe. We do this with over a decade of experience in removing beehives from homes all throughout Tempe and Arizona.

Every bee problem is different and needs to be approached in a safe and responsible manner by a trained, experienced bee removal professional. Trying to treat bees with no experience may lead to injury or even death. DO NOT TRY TO TREAT BEES WITHOUT PROFESSIONAL HELP.

No two bee problems are the same and everyone should be treated or removed by a professional. Amateur beekeepers are responsible for a large number of unintentional attacks in Tempe and around the Phoenix area. Also, under-trained or inexperienced pest control companies make up a large percentage of unintentional bee attacks as well. Homeowners, tenants, and landscapers make up the rest by trying to treat or spray bees with store bought chemicals or even gasoline.

Bee Removal Mesa AZ

Flat-Rate Guaranteed Bee Removal Service

Bee Removal Mesa Arizona

Hassle-Free Bee Removal Mesa

Give Us A Call Today To Get The Answers You Need

Have bees in a wall or eaves of your home in Mesa? Or maybe have a bee swarm in a tree? Phoenix Bee Removal offers a flat rate bee removal and control service for Mesa residents. Our hassle-free bee removal service will have your bee problem taken care of quickly and safely. Bee Removal in Mesa has become commonplace throughout the Spring and Summer Months. We get a large number of bee calls during the Spring and Summer months in Mesa. 

One of the valley's largest cities actually one of Arizona's largest cities and with all the population growth in the past couple of decades, bee removal has become a very common issue in Mesa.

Call us today about your bee problem for your free phone consultation. We off flat fee bee and honeycomb removal services for Mesa, and also surrounding cities. 

We have been treating and removing bees in Mesa Arizona since 2007. Providing an honest, affordable bee removal company with an extensive background in home building and construction. Knowing the way homes in Mesa are built is a huge advantage in safely and properly removing a beehive and repairing the area to eliminate the problem permanently. We have over a decade of experience in all phases of home building in Mesa. This experience goes hand in hand with bee removal and gives us a huge advantage over any of our competitors. We have removed hundreds of beehives over the years and have seen just about everything there is to see when it comes to removing bees. 

An Africanized Beehive can quickly get out of hand if the bees are not handled properly. Africanized bees or killer bees are abundant in Mesa and can become very dangerous in spring and summer months if not handled properly. The safety of you and your neighbors is a top priority for us at all times. Safely removing Africanized bees is a skill that takes years to get right and even then things can still unexpectedly happen. this is why it is important when choosing a company to safely remove Africanized Bees from your property in Mesa.

Once established in your home (walls, roof, etc.) bees can produce honey at an astounding rate. Depending on the size of the beehive, the number of bees and the length of time they have been established, bees can produce up to a pound of honey a day. When this happens inside the walls or attic of your home and the bees are not there to stop it from melting all of the wax will melt and release the honey. This can cause thousands of dollars in honey damage and most insurance companies do not cover damage from bees or honey.  

All of the bees in a hive are females with the exception of a few drones (males) who lazily lounge around the hive until they are needed for reproduction. So once the bees start to reproduce and nurse babies all the female bees are, in a sense, mothers who will protect their children from anything they consider a threat. Bee attacks happen all to often in Mesa and other cities around Arizona and in most cases could have been easily avoided.

Homeowners or tenants who try to treat bees themselves or try to get rid of a beehive with store-bought cans of pesticides make up a majority of the people who get attacked by a defensive beehive. Never attempt to treat bees with store-bought pesticides this can and has in many cases led to severe injury to the person attempting to treat the bees and innocent bystanders in the near vicinity of the defending beehive.

Africanized bees can start attacking in an instant and without warning so you should always stay alert when landscaping around your home or hiking in an unfamiliar area. 

Hikers who wander off-trail also make up a good number of bee attack victims. These can also be avoided by staying alert and staying on marked trails that are heavily trafficked. Trails with more foot traffic are far less likely to have an established beehive on them. 

This honey has to be removed to prevent property damage, another bee colony from moving in, also an unprotected beehive will attract pests like ants, roaches, and rodents.

Give us a call for all your bee control or removal issues and get all the information you need from an experienced bee removal professional and see what steps you may need to take to aid you with your bee problem.

Give Us a Call Today!

Common Places beehives are found in Mesa AZ

Bee swarm in a tree Mesa AZ
Have a bee swarm in a tree?

Bees swarm in Spring and Summer months in Mesa AZ and can end up stopping and resting on a tree limb along the way. This is often mistaken for an active beehive and people usually overreact. Migrating bee swarms are normally harmless and are not defensive or dangerous.

A bee swarm may hang around for up to 3 days but normally will leave within 24 hours after arriving. The most common trees to find bee swarms on in Mesa AZ are the Mesquite and Palo Verde trees. These trees do not provide a lot of cover from leaves and can easily be spotted.

We recommend leaving the bee swarms alone and letting nature take its course. Most of the bee swarms in Mesa AZ will end up making a home in the desert and not bothering anyone. However, others may move into homes and businesses creating a hazard a will then need to be taken care of.

If you have bees in a tree and are not sure if it is a swarm, please feel free to give us a call and we will help you determine if you have a bee problem or not.
 Bees under shed Mesa AZ
Have Bees in or under a shed?

This is a big problem in Mesa AZ. Under the floor of a shed is a perfect place for bees to escape the extreme Arizona Summer heat and also stay protected from predators.

Most people have some sort of storage shed or unit on their property. These sheds can become the perfect home for honey bees to establish themselves and start a beehive. Quickly becoming a danger to anyone or anything that may make the bees defensive.

Bees love to make beehives under these sheds and can multiply at an astounding rate once they've become established. Also, bees can go unnoticed for greater periods of time underneath a shed since they might not be used for long periods of time. These situations can quickly become dangerous and have led to numerous bee attacks in the Mesa area.

There is no easy solution to getting bees out from under a shed and in most cases are Africanized bee colonies. In most cases, the bees will have to be treated and the floor cut up so the honeycomb can be removed. We always recommend removing the honeycomb to prevent rotting and becoming a target for ants, mice, rats, roaches, and other pests. Also, it will attract other bees to the shed possibly making a home somewhere else.

We offer hassle-free bee removal from under sheds as well as other storage units in Mesa AZ. Phoenix Bee Removal will take care of everything from start to finish to ensure the bees under your shed get taken care of adequately and safely. We will repair any cuts made in the flooring and seal any entry points to keep any future beehives from becoming established.
 Bees inside valve box or water meter box Mesa AZ
Have bees in a valve box or water meter box?

Bees have been making homes inside of these since day one. They make a perfect bee box for the bees to set up a beehive and produce honey. They keep the bees protected from the intense Mesa Arizona Summer heat.
These can go unnoticed for long periods of time and become a danger to anyone who gets to close to the hive. Attempting to seal the bees in will only lead to more problems and can end up with someone getting unintentionally attacked by bees.

Phoenix Bee Removal will take care of bees in a valve box in a safe and efficient manner. Give us a call today to have your valve box bee problem solved.
 Bees in the eaves Mesa AZ
Have bees in the eave of your home or business?

Bees often choose the attic space of homes or a business to establish a beehive. They can enter through the cracks in the blocks or holes in the screens of the vent blocks between your roof trusses.

Once inside the attic they waste no time getting set up and producing honeycomb. Once honeycomb is established it will need to be removed to prevent property damage. Also, the pheromones left by the bees will attract other bee swarms in the future and they will build a new beehive on the outside of the eave. This will become an ongoing problem until the honeycomb is removed and it is cleaned of all pheromones.

We offer honeycomb removal from roofs and eaves for Mesa AZ and surrounding areas with repairs. All of our honeycomb removal services come with a 3-year guarantee.
 Bees in the walls of your home Mesa AZ
Have bees got inside of the walls of your home or business?

Bees are small and can often fit into small cracks and crevices that we can't see. Stucco homes are a good example of this. The flashing on the bottom of stucco walls is an easy entry point for bees and other insects to enter the walls of a home. Bees will find a wall either devoid of insulation or has had the insulation moved or doesn't cover enough of the wall void leaving room for the bees to create a hive.

Garage walls are not commonly insulated in Mesa AZ and are a common spot for beehives.

Phoenix Bee removal can remove beehives and honeycomb from garage walls and also repair any damage done doing so.
 Bees inside of a block wall Mesa AZ 
Block walls and retaining walls are notorious for making great insect habitat and that goes double for bees. The bees will create a beehive inside of the hollow walls and use any cracks in the mortar as an entry/exit point. These hives usually go unnoticed for weeks or months as well and the bees can become defensive if anyone gets to close.

Trying to seal the wall normally just makes the problem worse and can cause someone to unintentionally get attacked by the bees.
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