Africanized Bee Removal Service

Flat Rate Africanized Honey Bee Service
Guaranteed Service For A Flat Fee
We offer professional flat removal of Africanized honey bees. When dealing with Africanized bees, safety is always a major concern. Africanized honey bees and European honey bees are almost impossible to tell apart until they have established a hive. Never try and treat bees yourself as it could have devastating consequences not only you but your neighbors, family, and pets.
Africanized Bee Removal & Control
Africanized honey bees in the central Arizona and Phoenix area are a great deal more aggressive than your average European Honey Bees and can become very dangerous if not properly dealt with. Africanized honey bees are still beneficial to the environment no matter how aggressive towards intruders they are. In some cases, the bees can be captured, relocated and re-queened to produce a much less aggressive honey bee. It's hard to decipher if feral bee swarms are going to be aggressive or not and this becomes a problem for beekeepers.
Not All Bees Can Be Saved Due To Safety
Due to tight quarter housing and highly populated areas, capturing and relocating an established Africanized bee colony within the city just can't be done due to safety concerns. This means the bees have to be treated in a way so that you or any of your neighbors or pets get attacked by the bees or injured running away during the treatment. Phoenix Bee Removal has the capabilities and skills needed to provide a safe and effective treatment to deal with Africanized Bees without anyone being injured or stung. We cannot emphasize enough on how dangerous treating an established Africanized bee hive is. Africanized honey bees will defend their home and the sheer number of bees they send out to do so can be in the thousands.
Africanized Bee Swarms Are Just As Timid As European Bee Swarms
Don't fall for the scare tactics and think an Africanized bee colony that has just arrived is looking to hurt someone. There is no way to tell if a migrating swarm is Africanized or not until they become established. Same rules apply almost all bee encounters in Arizona. Stay clear of the bees and give us a call to get some professional advice on what steps should be taken to keep you safe.
Don't Risk Becoming Another Victim A Bee Attack
If you have a hive on your property and are not sure how long they have been there. This is where it becomes much more dangerous and can lead to an unprovoked attack on an unsuspecting victim. If the bees were there before you noticed them and didn't hurt anyone there is no need to panic just stay away and give us a call and we can give advice on what steps you should take to have the hive removed or the bees treated.
Bees improperly treated with stuff bought at their local hardware store or diy pest control store, can, and has, lead to dozens of injuries and sometimes even death every year in Phoenix and around Arizona. Never try to treat an active hive with over the counter products and also never try and seal the bees in with foam. Both of these just lead to a lot of wasted money and a huge mess. Bees that are blocked into a void of a wall or attic space with no outside exit can end up inside the house. Thousands of bees can end up inside of your home if you trap bees in. We see it dozens of times a year over and over.
Please call a professional for advice when dealing with any feral honey bee swarms or established hives. Trying to treat bees yourself or sealing them in with a can of foam is dangerous and can lead to injuries and an even bigger problem.

- Stay away from the bees!! Keep kids, pets, landscaper's, maintenance men and anyone else away from the bees.
- Certain smells or sounds can send the bees into a defensive mode and Africanized bees will attack in large numbers.
- Most pest control companies are not properly trained on how to deal with Africanized bees and may attempt to control bees using improper techniques. This can drive bees deeper into your home and just have them start back up in a couple weeks.