Bee Swarm Removal Arizona

A migrating bee swarm on a tree will normally leave within 72 hours
Professional Honey Bee Swarm Removal and Relocation
We offer flat rate pricing for bee swarm removal and relocation
Bee Removal at an affordable price with a guarantee you can count on!
Give us a call with any questions you may have
Call NowA majority of bee swarms that land in trees do not need to be removed or relocated. Tampering with the swarm will cause the bees unnecessary stress and may inadvertently cause the bees to stick around longer or to split up and cause confusion making a problem where there shouldn't have been one. Bee swarms will normally leave within 72 hours but often only stick around for a short time depending on the weather. While the bees are migrating they are extremely docile and for the most part harmless as long as they are left alone.
Migrating honey bee swarms often stop to rest up in trees when they are on the way to find a new place to call home. The tree has become a hotel for the bees to stay in while they are migrating to look for a new home. The swarm will stop and gather around the queen forming a large mass of bees that will look like a ball and is often mistaken for an active beehive. The bees will then rest up and send out scout bees to search for food and water and a possible new place to call home. Most bee swarms will only hang out for a few hours and be on their way.
Leave The Bee Swarms Alone
Honeybee swarms have a completely different temperament than an established bee colony. If you have just noticed a bee swarm on a tree branch, bush or shrub around your house. 90% of the time they are just resting up and will be moving along shortly.

They are just on their way to find a new home and need some time and rest to do so. Bee swarms in Arizona are not the same as the swarms in the Mid-West and Far Eastern states in the U.S., bees travel a lot further when migrating in Arizona compared to some of the Eastern states.
When Do Bees Swarm In Phoenix
Bees start sending out swarms in Phoenix around the beginning of March and continue thru November. The heaviest times are normally March thru June depending on the weather in central Arizona.
Are Bee Swarms Dangerous
Swarms, for the most part, are not aggressive when left alone. A majority of the time it is not necessary to have a swarm removed or killed. Simply leaving them alone and letting them do their thing will save not only the bees but save you some money as well.
Scare Tactics and Fear Mongering
Companies like to take advantage of the swarming season and like to use fear to crank up their prices. The most common practice is simply to say they are Africanized and they will attack anyone and everyone around. That is simply not true of all migrating bee swarms in Arizona. There is no way to tell with the naked eye whether or not bees are Africanized or European or a hybrid and to what extent. The aggressive behavior is the only clear indicator whether or not a feral hive is Africanized or not. This is why all feral bee colonies should be treated the same in regards to safety and should only be handled by a professional to make sure everyone stays safe.
Established Bee Colonies vs. Migrating Bee Swarms
We've all seen the stories in the media about someone being attacked by a swarm of bees. This causes a lot of confusion between migrating swarms and established bee colonies. These attacks happen when established bee colonies have been disturbed. Usually by someone who went off trail hiking or just someone doing yard work using power tools. The most common way is by people trying to treat the bees themselves. Migrating bee swarms are not as dangerous as they are made out to be by the media with their fear-inducing stories. Just stay calm and call us and get some information from a professional about your situation.

Should I Have The Swarm Captured?
The short answer is no. Capturing and relocating a bee swarm will cause a lot of stress for the bees and most will not make the relocation alive. Letting the bees move on naturally will cause them the least amount of stress and ensure they have a safe journey to their new home.
What to expect if you have a honey bee swarm
When bees start to swarm they like to land in trees to rest up and wait for orders from the Queen on where and when to go. This often looks like a giant basketball size of bees which is quite often mistaken for an active hive. A honey bee swarm can consist of thousand's of bee's and be very intimidating when they arrive as well as when they leave. It all happens within minutes.
What should I do if I have a Swarm in my tree?
If possible leave them alone for 24 to 72 hours and they will fly away on their own. Keep an eye on your property to make sure they don't move into or on any structures. The Queen has just decided to rest up for a bit and your tree has become a motel for a few hours or even days. This does not mean that the bees will move into your home or even your neighbors home. If the bees decide to stay longer than 4 days they need be removed.
When should a bee swarm be removed?
If they land on the structure of your home and there is visible honeycomb then they do need to be treated or removed. If you have a swarm on your property and are concerned someone might antagonize the bees or that the bees might be a danger to the public then give us a call and we will talk you through your options to getting your problem resolved.
Save some bees and some money
Save yourself some money and save some bees at the same time. Don't be another victim unnecessary pest control, outrageous prices and scare tactics. Pass on the message that not all bee swarms need to be removed and not all the bees in Arizona are Africanized or "killer bees".